Streetlamp Stories

Best viewed alone at night.

Original short stories. Visually driven creative writing with a focus on the strange and unexpected.

The Closing Ceremony

My favorite part of the homeowner's journey had to be the closing. Normally I'm not much for ceremony, but the official signing over of real estate was such a perfectly designed capstone to the months of hellish effort I had endured, that I couldn't help but relish every part of it. Read more…

The Train Compartment

The train clatters along the tracks. The young man, swaying with the rhythm, licks his lips, rubs his meager stubble, and reads the telegram again by the dim light of the oil lamp.


The Apartment

In from the landing, slamming the door, the man lets out a grunt and peels off his boots. The aroma permeates throughout the room. Read more…

The Call Center

"University IT Help Center, Suzanne speaking, how may I help you?"
"Yeah, hi Suzanne, listen, I need some help."

The Airport

“Please seat yourself,” said the sign, so the young traveler did, setting down his suitcase and placing his backpack in the chair across from him. Read more...

The Phone

Turned out, the phone wouldn't work without power, after all - it was through the internet. The saleswoman had been wrong. Or she'd lied. Read more...

The Office

Disaster struck. The PM gave her panicked advice - "You need to bring this to the stakeholders!" Read more...

The city bus

The double decker bus doors slid open, and she stepped aboard, fumbling with her Oyster Card. She carried her sign under her arm, that she'd been using all day to convince passersby that they were walking through danger with their heads in the clouds. Read more...

The Alley

The teenage boy skipped out the back door and aimed his feet toward home. The night had turned colder than his sweater was prepared for. Read more...

The Senate

As the senator spoke at length on Family Values, explaining how the families were at risk from those hateful Different Ones, his nose began to bleed, and a drop fell on the open notepad before him. Read more...

The Cruiser

The officer ducks to avoid the bright lights reflecting off his rearview mirror. He is driving his unmarked right on the speed limit, cruise control set, so Mr. Misaligned Lights should pass momentarily. Read more...

The Supermarket

A heavyset man with a few days’ growth on his face holds a heavy basket in line at the register. After a minute, “Next customer,” states the teenager behind the conveyor. Read more...

The Tattoo Parlor

The bell on the door jingles as the man enters. The girl behind the counter looks up, revealing a neck tattooed to look like snake scales. “Hi,” she smiles, “Can I help you?” Read more...

The Beach

Gentle waves roll onto the sandy beach as the suited man approaches the sea. His feet kick up small plumes with every step until he reaches the edge of the surf. Read more...

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