Streetlamp Stories

Best viewed alone at night.

Original short stories. Visually driven creative writing with a focus on the strange and unexpected.


Turned out, the phone wouldn't work without power, after all - it was through the internet. The saleswoman had been wrong. Or she'd lied.

Confident this simple mistake could be ironed out in no time flat by the famous customer-oriented reps over at Thyme Werner Cable company, the man dialed his phone and waded through the robotic prompts.

His easy-going smile faded as he listened to Reese explain that he'd be happy to remove the phone service from the man's account. But the man should be aware that his monthly rate would not change with removal of the phone, as his promotional internet rate was no longer valid. "But... why...?" said the man. Reese agreed, and left to see what he could do, which turned out to be nothing. The caller struggled to contain his malaise. He made a hasty goodbye, and hung up. His carapace twitched, and he spent a minute cleaning his antennae. Shaking slightly, the cockroach tried to think of what to do. Why did he suddenly have to deal with this?

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