Streetlamp Stories

Best viewed alone at night.

Original short stories. Visually driven creative writing with a focus on the strange and unexpected.


Disaster struck. The PM gave her panicked advice - "You need to bring this to the stakeholders!"

The developer hesitates, fears, deliberates, decides, picks up the disaster and runs to the room which reads "Stakeholders."

Deep breath, steeling nerves, opens door, all eyes turn to face him. Deep, dead, black eyes, with no whites, pierce the developer's soul, mouths agape, pointy teeth glistening, red-rimmed lips moist from the eating.

The developer delivers his news in a faltering, shaking voice, holding up the disaster as a shield - impotent. The silence hangs in the air as he finishes.

As one, the steak holders begin to screech. They raise their arms and beat the dev with their juicy, medium-rare meat.

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