Streetlamp Stories

Best viewed alone at night.

Original short stories. Visually driven creative writing with a focus on the strange and unexpected.


            Hungry. Starving, even. Stomach growled, acid roiling with nothing to digest.

            Car radiator turned on, humming and making the steering wheel vibrate. Rolled down the window to get some air through the car, but the breeze was as hot as I was. Brought with it the ever-present summer-in-New-York smell of rotting trash. Rolled the window back up. Read more...

The Business

            Mr. Irving stood to the right of Mr. George on a busy street in a large city. Cars streamed past as the two men took drags of their cigarettes, looking up at the tall building of deep blue glass across from them. Read more...


            Eva hurried home, carefully stepping around puddles. The rain was heavy, and though she carried an umbrella, she did not want to be outdoors any longer than necessary. Read more...

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