Streetlamp Stories

Best viewed alone at night.

Original short stories. Visually driven creative writing with a focus on the strange and unexpected.


The teenage boy skipped out the back door and aimed his feet toward home. The night had turned colder than his sweater was prepared for. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, which crunched with wads of dollar bills. Despite the chill, he smiled, picking up the pace.

The wind grew bitter, and the youth sought shelter. He could take a shielded route via alley, though care would have to be taken to avoid the puddles of water and worse in the dark.

Ahead, he had to turn the corner to regain the city block with streetlights. But a man peeled himself off the wall, surprising the boy. The man held a blade, and spoke in gruff, liquid fear. The boy froze solid until the man shook him by the throat. The youth's hands slid again into his pockets to divest his earnings.

A flash of blue and red on the alley wall around the corner froze the boy again. The robber followed the youth's gaze and took a dose of fear himself. The boy breathed freely as his assailant turned tail.

A bright gale of laughter joined the lights around the corner, and a group of kids in the latest fad's light-up sneakers chased the darkness away.

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