Streetlamp Stories

Best viewed alone at night.

Original short stories. Visually driven creative writing with a focus on the strange and unexpected.


Gentle waves roll onto the sandy beach as the suited man approaches the sea. His feet kick up small plumes with every step until he reaches the edge of the surf. Here, he pauses, routinely steeling himself for what’s to come. The water laps over his leather shoes. Eyes straight ahead, he loosens his tie, and presses forward. Children playing in the sand stop to gape as the man wades toward the horizon. The salty water reaches his knees, soaking his creased trousers. The man holds his arms out, briefcase counterbalancing. With each step he pushes himself deeper. At waist height, the water turns him into a clumsy penguin, arms like flippers, trying to keep his balance. In seconds, he reaches the edge of the continental shelf, and drops into the abyss below. From below the sea, his hand reaches up, captures his escaping hat floating on the surface, and pulls it under.

Something longer?

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